Gallery Inn, Gu Yi (Hua Lang Lü Guan, Gu Yi Dian 画廊旅馆, 故驿店)

This special, relatively isolated bed-and-breakfast and café has a garden uphill from the new Kulangsu Gallery of Foreign Artifacts from the Palace Museum Collection (Gu Lang Yu Wai Guo Wen Wu Bo Wu Guan 鼓浪屿外国文物博物馆). Because of its elevated location, the space gets terrific sunlight. On a beautiful day, you may be tempted to hang […]

Xu Fei Ping 许斐平

Xu Fei Ping was born in 1952 on Kulangsu Island. His father was a priest and his mother was a pianist at a church. Growing up in a Christian family which has rich musical atmosphere, Xu Fei Ping was enriched by what he saw and heard, and showed his amazing receptivity and understanding of music from an incredibly […]

Street Ukeleles (You ke li li jietou yiren 尤克里里街头艺人)

These two licensed street artists provide some of the street-music atmosphere for which Kulangsu Island was once famous. Two colorful men hang out near the Marine Garden Hotel, on opposite sides of the dramatic typhoon-struck tree, playing and selling cheap ukeleles. Music includes a variety of Chinese folk songs, plus frequent renditions of “Gulangyu Zhi […]

Lin Qiao Zhi 林巧稚

One of the pioneering gynecologists in China and in the world, Kulangsu native Lin Qiao Zhi delivered more than fifty thousand babies in her life. In 1901, Lin Qiao Zhi was born in a teacher family. She went to her elementary school at the age of six and went to Hai Bin Teacher’s School at the age of twelve. […]

Gallery Inn, Shi Wai Tao Yuan (Hua Lang Lü Guan 画廊旅馆,内厝澳)

Halfway up a hill in Nei Cuo Ao, this secluded fairytale bed-and-breakfast in an old stone house is one of the hidden gems of Kulangsu and, for that matter, of anywhere at all. You might expect to see nymphs and satyrs runinng along the pathways up a forested hill in the magical backyard garden, where […]