On Oct. 29th, 2017, ‘Sun Rise Girls Running’was hosted on Kulangsu Island. There were 500 girls participating in this event. Waiting for the contestants at the terminal was a concerts performed by Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra. The night before the event, a concert to celebrate the running was held at Xiamen Indigo Hotel and there were some famous musicians such as Jing Yang, Yingying Huang, and Miaozi in the concert.
10月29日, 2017‘日出女子跑’鼓浪屿站鸣枪开跑,500名女子迎着清晨第一抹阳光奔跑,此次2017‘日出女子跑’鼓浪屿在起终点及赛道上都安排了来自爱乐乐团的演奏家们的演奏。值得一提的是活动前夜,日出女子跑·兴业银行Lady‘s Night 古典与爵士音乐会在厦门海港英迪格酒店举行,100名特邀嘉宾相聚相守,当晚音乐会以观鼓浪屿日落的美好时刻开启,爵士歌唱家黄滢滢和苗子老师现场演唱和演奏爵士钢琴,更有“鼓浪屿的女儿”杨璟学生用琴声和歌声,述说对鼓浪屿的情怀。