Xu Fei Ping 许斐平

Xu Fei Ping was born in 1952 on Kulangsu Island. His father was a priest and his mother was a pianist at a church. Growing up in a Christian family which has rich musical atmosphere, Xu Fei Ping was enriched by what he saw and heard, and showed his amazing receptivity and understanding of music from an incredibly […]

Union Church (Xie He Li Bai Tang协和礼拜堂)

Union Church, Kulangsu’s earliest church, was built in 1863. The church was named as “The International Church”in the beginning and renamed as “Union Church” in 1875. Its construction was funded by believers from three denominations, the American Reformed Church, London Missionary Society, and English Presbyterian Mission. The Union Church was rebuilt again in 1911. Address: Lujiao Road, […]

Christian Cemetery (Fan Zai Mu Yuan 番仔墓园)

There are four separate cemeteries spread out around a single rolling hill in Nei Cuo Ao. All of them are beautiful, lush, mysterious, and overgrown with centuries’ worth of vegetation, and are well worth exploring and photographing. Christians were mainly buried in the graveyard near Anxian Hall, especially Chinese Christians who lived on Kulangsu. The cemetery […]

Kulangsu Island: a tropical beach paradise beating to the waves of its own drummer

Kulangsu is an island about 600 meters from southwestern coast of Xiamen, Fujian. Slightly long and narrow, the 1.88-square-kilometer Kulangsu Island looks like a sailing ship anchored in the bay. There are seven granite hills as well as numerous ravines and springs scattered on the island. An alternating distribution of white beaches and oddly shaped rocks […]