Xu Fei Ping 许斐平

Xu Fei Ping 许斐平

Xu Fei Ping was born in 1952 on Kulangsu Island. His father was a priest and his mother was a pianist at a church. Growing up in a Christian family which has rich musical atmosphere, Xu Fei Ping was enriched by what he saw and heard, and showed his amazing receptivity and understanding of music from an incredibly early age.

At the age of 5, he could play “Sheng Jing”precisely. When he was 6 years old, he was able to host his public performance at “San Yi Tang” on Gulangyu Island. In 1970, the 18-year-old Xu Fei Ping became the chief piano solo performer at the Central Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1979, Xu Fei Ping went to the United States for studying, and then he was flowering of talent on the international stage and praised as “gem of music and prodigious talent” by the San Francisco Observer.
