Catholicism came to Kulangsu in 1850. In 1912, the Spanish Catholic priest Manuel Prat became the bishop of the Xiamen Parish and the church was moved into the Spanish consulate. A new Catholic Church was built to the west of the consulate in 1917. This church governed religious affairs of 80 catholic churches in Fujian and Taiwan.
Address: 34 Lujiao Road, Gulangyu Island, Siming District, Xiamen City, China
1850年,天主教进入鼓浪屿。在1912年,西班牙天主教神父马守仁(Manuel Prat)任厦门主教,将教堂搬到西班牙领事馆。1917年领事馆西侧建立的新的主教堂,并管理福建和台湾地区的80个天主教堂。