From the producers of “The Voice of China” come this nostalgic story, which aired on “iDream of China,” a blockbuster national reality TV show that brings almost every viewer to tears. The story begins when the renowned classical violist and violinist Jing Yang, who grew up on the fairytale south seas island of Kulangsu, “Piano Island,” discovers a dusty old photo of herself at age 8. The photo was taken with a group of Kulangsu Music School classmates and teachers that she played one childhood concert with, 25 years ago. Her dream is to find these lost friends after a quarter-century, and re-unite them to dust off their old instruments and play a concert together.
Jing’s musical journey to find her classmates takes her around the world, to the doorsteps and graves of her most beloved teachers. The 20-minute segment is full of heartbreak and hope, laughter and tears, and of course, beautiful classical music.
The segment kicks off with Jing shredding Vivaldi’s “Summer” on violin at more than 180 beats per minute, and in the grand finale, Jing what may be the most beautiful classical version ever played of Kulangsu Island’s unofficial theme song, “Waves of Kulangsu.”