July 2017

Kulangsu Gallery of Foreign Artifacts from the Palace Museum Collection(Gu Gong Gu Lang Yu Wai Guo Wen Wu Guan 故宫鼓浪屿外国文物馆)

This spectacular new branch of the Palace Museum in Beijing’s Forbidden City opened in May 2017, after a long, ambitious renovation of a foreign hospital from 1898 (jiu shi yi...

Zhou Shu’An 周淑安

Zhou Shu’An was born in 1894 at 35 Huangyan road on Gulangyu Island. Her father, Zhou Zhi De, was a priest. Zhou Shu’ An was talented for singing, and she had risen...

Yin Cheng Zong 殷承宗

In 1941, Yin Cheng Zong was born on Kulangsu (Gulangyu) Island. In spring 1950, Yin Cheng Zong hosted his first “9-year-old piano solo concert” at the [A.R.C.M. Girls’ Middle School]. Yin...

Xu Fei Ping 许斐平

Xu Fei Ping was born in 1952 on Kulangsu Island. His father was a priest and his mother was a pianist at a church. Growing up in a Christian family which...

Catholic Church (Tian Zhu Tang 天主堂)

Catholicism came to Kulangsu in 1850. In 1912, the Spanish Catholic priest Manuel Prat became the bishop of the Xiamen Parish and the church was moved into the Spanish consulate....