About Kulangsu (Gulangyu)

We Bet You’ve Never Seen This Exclusive Kulangsu Route! | New Year Special

Would you like to start off the new year right and pamper yourself with an exciting, fun holiday? We recommend an exclusive route which will allow you to see Kulangsu...

Can you recognize the scenes shot on Kulangsu Island in these famous Chinese movies and TV shows?

Gulangyu is a sweet island full of couples taking romantic wedding photos. But did you know it also appears in many beautiful and romantic film and TV dramas? Can you...

First Kulangsu Choral Music Festival sings in the island’s new era

“Piano Island,” the “Home of Music,” and many other nicknames have graced Kulangsu island through the years. Earlier this year, Asia’s largest antique pipe organ was inaugurated on the island....

厦门日报:厦门版”世界杯”在鼓浪屿火热开赛 近200人参赛

厦门网讯 (海西晨报 记者 林爱玲 通讯员 杨坤杰)俄罗斯世界杯激战正酣,又一届厦门版“世界杯”也在鼓浪屿火热开赛。昨日,鼓浪屿2018第五届“鼓浪屿杯”足球俱乐部友谊赛在鼓浪屿人民体育场开赛,吸引了法国及中国香港、北京、厦门等16支国际足球俱乐部队近200人参加此次赛事。 记者了解到,本届友谊赛采取七人制足球赛制,有法国之吻足球俱乐部、上海国际足球俱乐部、北京野蛮人足球俱乐部、香港德国足球队、厦门国际足球俱乐部老男孩队等俱乐部参加。其中,外籍球员占比约为90%,均为长期在华学习、工作、生活的外籍人士,国籍包括德国、法国、意大利、美国、巴西等30多个国家。肤色不同、语言不一的球员同场竞技,让比赛尽显国际范。 据活动主办方鼓浪屿街道办介绍,此次足球俱乐部友谊赛是继橄榄球俱乐部友谊赛后又一场开启“后申遗”时代而举办的大型体育赛事。既让更多的人体验到鼓浪屿文化的魅力,又把体育赛事和提升鼓浪屿文化品位有机地结合起来。 Image credit: GLY.cn 

Xiamen Daily: Xiamen Version of the “World Cup” in Kulangsu Counts Nearly 200 Participants

While Russia’s World Cup was still in full swing, the Xiamen version of the competition heated up in Kulangsu. Kulangsu’s 5th Kulangsu Cup 2018 friendly soccer match took place at...