Official visitor’s guide to Kulangsu (Gulangyu)

Welcome to Kulangsu Island (Gulangyu Island), a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Kulangsu is a small tropical island where where cars and bicycles are not allowed, where majestic Banyan trees and coconut palms shade the gardens of 19th-century European mansions in the Amoy Deco architectural style. Come experience our local seafood restaurants and fresh tropical fruits, romantic beaches, world-class museums, and unique classical music tradition. Come plan your next trip to the fairytale island where East meets West.


Wang Hai Yuan Hotel and Café (望海苑)

This simple establishment has one of the most enviable locations in Kulangsu: right on Gang Zai Hou beach, the island’s largest and most frequented, but on a calmer side of...

Naza Hotel (Na Zhai Jiu Dian 那宅酒店)

One of the most luxurious places to stay on the island, this full-service boutique hotel boasts a sunny cafe, a gracious garden, and bright white rooms with baller touches like...

Picky About Food (Tiao Shi 挑食)

This is one of the swankiest tables in town, with an original branch on Quanzhou Lu and an even more polished new branch on Fujian Lu. Picky About Food is...

Revival of Sea (Zai Sheng Hai 再生海)

This full-service restaurant has a classy wood-heavy interior and a couple of tables in a sunny garden, making it a relaxing place to duck out of its crowded tourist neighborhood...

Long Tou Shark Balls (Long Tou Yu Wan Dian 龙头鱼丸店)

When Kulangsu locals miss the flavors of their hometown, many of them miss most of all the shark-ball soup from this little, locally run shop, which has been on the...

Kang Family Oyster Omelette (Kang Jia Long Tou Hai Li Jian 康家龙头海蛎煎)

This sidewalk stand is an ideal place for a mid-afternoon pit stop to sample one of the island’s classic local specialties: the oyster omelette. Here, the delicious dish is turned...

Stinky Tofu (Pao Cai Chou Dou Fu 泡菜臭豆腐)

Your nose can’t miss this busy street food stall right in the middle of the buzz of the Long Tou Street Food Market (Long Tou Xiao Chi Yi Tiao Jie...

Yuan Zhou Chinese Tea Courtyard (Yuan Zhou Cha Yuan 园洲茶院)

One of the most exotic yet accessible experiences for tourists on all of Kulangsu is a visit to this stunningly restored family mansion, which has been converted into a tea...

Huang Sheng Pork Jerky (Huang Sheng Ji Rou Pu 黄胜记肉铺)

On an island of legendary jerky, none may be more legendary in the eyes of locals than Huang Sheng Ji, which was once just a tiny street stand but after...

Three Tastes Pineapple Cake (San Wei Su Wu 三味酥屋)

Kulangsu teems with pineapple cake shops, so it’s a competitive market for this product, also a Taiwanese specialty, which would really be more accurately translated as “Pineapple Pie.” The product...